Exercise - where's the record player???
In today's world at the local YMCA, there are specific exercise machines that concentrate on specific muscle groups in your body. They are very expensive and I'm sure quite effective. I have given them nicknames. The one pictured above is named the "Childbirth Machine". It concentrates on the lower gluts and legs - it causes pain in the sitting region. When I got in it the first time and the PT told me to "Push", I thought, "Push what? What is he expecting to come out?" Then I realized that I was to push my entire body up and away from my feet - a much different pushing skill than I used during the childbirth years when people told me to "push".
There is no record player at the Y. Here is a link to the "Chicken Fat" MP3 in case you want to put it on your iPod. http://www.clubcourtyard.com/ChickenFat.html
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