Friday, December 28, 2007

2007 Holiday greeting

Christmas Makes me feel emotional. I love keeping track of old friends and our families through the Christmas cards, letters and greetings. I especially love the ones with the long "newsy" letters. For those of you who just sign you name to a card, I'm glad to hear from you too - it's always nice to know that you are still alive and married to each other. After the holiday season, I pack up all of the old cards into a one gallon ziploc bag and hold them for the next year. I usually re-read them just before the holidays to put me in the mood to write our annual Christmas letter. Last year in 2006, I didn't get around to that part and as a result, the 2006 Christmas letter didn't get out until St. Patrick's Day!

Our first Christmas letter was sent in 1979 prompted by the birth of our first child. They are a diary of sorts. By reading the letters, we can remember when we had surgeries, got a new dog, had the car wrecks, went on a big vacation, hair turned grey, when our address changed, etc. I can tell when I got my first computer, changed over to a PC, got the new printer, started printing photos, and so on. One year, I didn't write a letter. The next year Abby wrote it.

Somewhere along the way, I lost the entire paper file of all the Christmas letters, so I had to beg neighbors and relatives for their saved copies so that I could make an archive of the letters. Here are the links to the archives of the Christmas Letters.You may read them in case you missed any.
1979-85, 1986-90, 1991-94, 1995-2000, 2001-04, 2005-07

Our Christmas letters are sometimes like reading the social columns of the newspaper. It doesn't really tell what happened. The sad things don't usually make the letter - like one year where our little town had 12 funerals in about 6 months. And the Sweet Potato crop failure - curiously missing from the letter. Although those events are important and actually do happen, it is not something one wants to reminisce about. So if our letters sound too cheery, know that bad stuff happens to our family too.

Take care. If you haven't written a Christmas card to us yet, you'll still be on the list for two more years before you get purged. If you don't want to read the Christmas letter we send, just toss it and know that we love you anyway.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Buckle your seat belts and watch out for kooks on the road.



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