Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Meat Counter Now Offering Chicken "chests"

The problem with having a Marketing background is looking to constantly improve the quality of the labeling in whatever store I visit. Yesterday's visit to the meat counter at my favorite grocery store is a prime example. While I was busy ordering steaks, chops, salmon and catfish, the customer (male) next to me was ordering chicken.

Customer: I'd like four chicken breasts please.
Meat guy: Do you want four breasts or four "pieces"?
Customer: I want four pieces of chicken breasts.
Meat guy: But they come in "two's".
(puzzled look)
.....I snickered to myself....
Meat guy: We don't cut the chicken in half that way, so one piece is actually two breasts.
Me (blurting): Well then I think your label should more appropriately read "Chicken chests" since the use of the word "breast" implies one and you are selling them as a set.

Most of these "Meat guys" are in their early twenties with a couple of seasoned veterans at age 35 or so. They are roaring and the nearby customers are laughing as well.

Seasoned Veteran Meat Guy: I've been in the meat dept for 20 years and I've never thought of it like that.
Customer: Neither have I
Me (red-faced): It just came to me.........., and then came out before I could think twice.
Customer: And I'll be talking about it for the next twenty years.
Young Meat guy (to me): Will there be anything else, ma'am?
Me: Nope, I think I'm finished here
Customer (to me): Are you going to be back here tomorrow?
Young Meat guy: Hey, Marv - should I change the sign?


Blogger LooseMoose said...

You know, the next time I am at that store, I will have to order some "chicken chest".

10:09 PM  

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